Millions of American Citizens are deprived of their right to vote by virtue of where they live. THAT is indefensible. American citizens living on the island of Puerto Rico have no access to the Electoral College; regardless of whether they were born on the island or in any of the 50 United States. This is a travesty which should not be allowed to continue.
A similar situation affecting the residents of the District of Colombia was resolved by ratifying the 23 Amendment to the Constitution wherein American Citizens not residing within one of the 50 States of the Union would be afforded access to the Electoral College. Only then were the 550,000 American Citizens living within the boundaries of the District of Colombia able to voice their democratic prerogative in choosing a President. After 161 years deprived of the vote, the residents of D.C. were no longer disenfranchised.
Puerto Rico is home to over 3.5 million American Citizens who continue to be disenfranchised. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION to extend the 23rd amendment to the residents of Puerto Rico. Only through the power of the Presidential vote can the residents of the island hope to have their collective voices heard.